Höhlentauchen im Lot

Hans Jürgen, Matthias und ich planten eine Höhlentauchwoche im Lot (midi Pyrenees, Frankreich) für den 01. – 08.Mai. Wie auch die letzten male bei Harald und Monique.


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TR300c Wreckdiving Orkney Scapa Flow (offshore)

This time it went in a different direction, the North of Scotland

The goal was some little submerged wrecks to dive outside (offshore) Scapa Flow (Orkney).


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Wreck Diving Pula Kroatien

The Rebreatherteam was from 09.06. to 15.06.2013 in Pula Croatia for wreck diving


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(Deutsch) Rebreatherteam am Brechtsee

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TR300c antauchen 2013

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TR300c eCCR U455 Expedition

For Mid-October DIRrebreather expedition was planned to submarine U455. I had also logged and made everything clear so far. The aim was to confirm the exact identity of the submarine, and possibly to collect data for its demise.

Dives were planned up to 120m depth. The submarine is inclined to the seabed. The bug starts at about 92m, the rear part is in the sea bed at about 123m.

Our team gases were measured at Diluent 8/80, Bailout 10/70, 18/45, 50, and O2.


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Dreimal TR300c in Plittersdorf

Nachdem Gerd die letzten 2 Wochen beim Bau (bohren und kleben) geholfen hat, war nun heute der erste Tauchgang mit seinem neuem TR300c.


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2 x TR300c eCCR / mCCR am Plittersdorfer Strand

Karin und ich haben uns heute bei schönstem Sommerwetter am Plittersdorfer Strand getroffen.

Es war viel Betrieb heute und wir mussten erst einmal lange nach einem Parkplatz suchen.


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2 x TR300c eCCR / mCCR am Brechtsee

Today, Karin and I could finally go to dive.

Karin had set up two weeks ago, the TR300c mCCR and of course, was already interested in how he can immerse themselves in her configuration.

I had it done in time, the last missing pieces and handles to make the new TR300c eCCR and so we met at the lake at last to dive all times.

Despite initially dark clouds, we prepared ourselves, we were just ready for diving as the sun came out and thus were had very beautiful underwater images.

After a relaxing dive of 70min, the devices were stowed away and we chatted for a little over coffee about the dive and the technology.

Karin and Holger before diving with TR300c mCCR (left) and right TR300c eCCR OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

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Graf Zeppelin Expedition

Together with the DIRRebreather an expedition was planned for the Vessel “Graf Zeppelin, Baltic Sea” from 03.06. – 06/06/2012.

The group was set up internationally, 4 divers from Spain, three divers from the Netherlands and the team from Germany.


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