On Sunday the 14/08/2011 to Karin, Hans Jürgen and I have met in a famous lake in the vicinity.

Karin wanted to test my new Apocalypse, Hans Jürgen had to optimize its pSCR while the trim around a little, I dipped the Submatix Quantum.

In warm weather, we went in a good mood to prepare. First still had to be Karin’s Shearwater calibriert O2 sensors on mine. This went quickly with an external O2 bottle.

The water then had to find something Karin problems the right amount of lead and had to return again to the parking lot. Hans Jurgen and I then went off already. After 50 minutes we came back and Karin was employed at entry level with the Apoc.

Karin with the Apoc IMG_20110814_112412
back IMG_20110814_112421